Hot Yoga and the Seasons | Adapting to the Arizona Heat

Hot Yoga | Adjusting Your Practice Throughout the Year | True Hot Yoga North Scottsdale | True Hot Yoga Arrowhead Ranch

What is Hot Yoga?

Hot yoga classes offer the opportunity to practice yoga movements, also known as asanas, in a heated environment. 

This spiritual and physical practice originated in the 1970s as Bikram yoga, as it was founded by Bikram Choudhury. This type of hot yoga led participants through 26 poses in a 90-minute session. 

Hot yoga has expanded and adapted quite a bit since then, with many well-known and lesser-known variations such as CorePower Yoga, and Vinyasa flows similar to what we practice here at True Hot Yoga.

What is True Hot Yoga?

True Hot Yoga has been providing clients with a safe, transformative, and enjoyable experience for nearly 20 years. Established in 2005, True Hot Yoga has remained the premiere hot yoga studio in both Scottsdale and Arrowhead Ranch. Working with a diverse range of clients, with differences in factors like age, ability, and lifestyle, we cater to all. 

Our yoga practice pulls the transformative benefits of traditional hot yoga and combines them with Ashtanga-inspired vinyasa flow.

Fostering a space that empowers our clients to be physically, emotionally, and mentally in tune, leaves them feeling empowered to take on the day and get through life’s challenges.

Here are some things our clients have to say about their experience with True Hot Yoga:

“The name couldn’t be more fitting it is TRUE hot yoga, and it is an incredible experience! I’ve enjoyed my classes so much. Thank you to Patty and the staff for making it such a welcoming place. I look forward to coming back!”- Julie S.

“I absolutely love this yoga studio. Everyone is so friendly and all the yoga instructors have been amazing!”- Eryssa L

“Amazing class and flow unlike any other hot yoga class I’ve done in the past. It is unique and the teachers and community welcomed me on my visit to Scottsdale. I’ll be back.”- Benjamin M.


One of the most frequently asked questions for newcomers is, “What do I wear to hot yoga?” The answer is simple- wear what you are most comfortable in. For a lot of our students, this looks like looser and more moisture-wicking material. Because temperatures can get up to 105% with 50-60% humidity (yes, they get HOT), our students are usually dripping sweat by the end of each 75-minute class

With this in mind, while shorts can feel really good, some of our students prefer leggings because they are able to grip their legs more securely during certain poses, helping to prevent any slippage. 

Avoiding 100% cotton materials is also frequented in class as cotton is very absorbent and soaks in any moisture and liquid. Whether you opt for a sports bra, lightweight shirt, or no shirt, allowing your body to breathe and sweat it out, only contributes to the benefits of a hot yoga class.

What are the benefits of hot yoga?

There are many benefits that come with practicing hot yoga. Living in Arizona, where the heat can sometimes be greater than the heat of a True Hot Yoga class, it can be challenging to stay motivated to attend classes with the season change. Our students have no problem attending class in the cool winter months, but when it comes to summer, that is another story!

The benefits of hot yoga don’t change when the season do. If you stay consistent with it all year round, you will continue to reap the benefits.

Improved Flexibility

Because heat allows the muscles to warm up and become relaxed more quickly, consistently practicing hot yoga can greatly improve your flexibility. 

Hot yoga can potentially increase your range of motion and improve your flexibility over a period of time. 

Can hot yoga improve my mood?

Hot yoga can improve your mood! 

“In a new NIH-funded pilot study, a research team led by Dr. Maren Nyer from Massachusetts General Hospital looked at a combination of yoga and heat, or hot yoga. Hot yoga sessions are done in a hot (105°F) room. The researchers assessed whether people with major depression would be able to adhere to regular hot yoga practice for eight weeks. They also looked at the potential effects of hot yoga on depression symptoms.”

Curious what the results were?

“At the end of the eight weeks, 16 people in the hot yoga group had their depression scores drop by more than half, indicating a substantial reduction in depression. Only two people in the control group experienced a similar reduction in depression symptoms. Twelve of the people in the hot yoga group had their scores drop low enough to be considered in remission from depression, compared to two in the control group.”

This study was documented by the National Institute of Health. While the results are astonishing, they are not surprising! There is a reason why our yogis continue to come back. Hot yoga has proven to heal the mind, body, and spirit. 

Reduced Stress

When stagnant energy get trapped in your muscles and joints, it can cause stress and other issues with your well-being. By performing hot yoga, we have the opportunity to let go of that stored emotion, making room for positive energy to come in. 

Can yoga help build muscle?

Yes! Yoga can help you build muscle. According to this 2015 study, hot yoga improved not only muscle strength but also lower back flexibility. Because hot yoga can help build muscle and help with recovery, it is the perfect addition to any athlete’s routine. Whether you are a runner, a climber, or a bodybuilder, hot yoga is beneficial in a myriad of ways. 

Enhanced Skin Quality

Hot yoga absolutely nourishes the skin, enhancing the quality and appearance of your skin. The increased circulation that you may have noticed post-yoga flow provides nutrient-rich blood to the skin cells, nourishing the skin. 

A study conducted in 2021 found that after wrapping up two 60-minute hot yoga sessions per week for 12 weeks, 48 female volunteers had increased their overall skin health. This has led researchers to conclude that hot yoga may also offer anti-aging benefits. 

On a similar note, hot yoga can help support the body’s natural detoxification process. When toxins are cleared from the body, that is often reflected in the quality of the skin, enhancing the appearance of it.

 Improved Cardiovascular Health

The cardiovascular benefits of hot yoga are significant. Not only does hot yoga help reduce stress and improve quality of life, hot yoga can also lower cholesterol, control blood pressure, and possibly reduce mortality rates

While these are massive, exciting claims, if you do have a heart condition, we encourage you to consult with a doctor before moving forward with a hot yoga class, as it may not be a suitable option for your health needs at the moment.


As stated above, those with any heart health conditions, low blood pressure, or high blood sugar should consult with a healthcare provider before taking a hot yoga class.

Other risks of practicing hot yoga include: 

  • Dehydration

  • Pregnancy Risk

  • Prescription Medication Interference 

  • Heat Intolerance/Prior heat-related injury should speak with a health care provider first

  • Overstretching

Who should try it? How to get started.

With the above in mind, hot yoga is for everybody and every body. We recommend trying out our 3 classes for $33 promotion that runs all year. This is a great way to determine if hot yoga is right for you.

At True Hot Yoga, we offer several types of classes across our two locations. More than that, we offer a supportive, positive, and uplifting community of men and women of all different ages, backgrounds, and abilities.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that including hot yoga in your summer practice is never a bad thing. Ensuring that you are staying hydrated and not spending an excessive amount of time in the heat will be important as you carry your practice into the summer months.


Question: How should I prepare for a hot yoga class?

Answer: To prepare for a True Hot Yoga class, ensure you are well-hydrated. Avoid heavy meals a few hours beforehand, but have a light snack if needed. Dress appropriately in clothes you feel comfortable sweating in and bring a refillable water bottle. It's also a good idea to arrive early to meet your teacher, acclimate to the heat, and settle into the environment.

Question: What should I bring to class?

Answer: Please bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated during the session.  We offer a free filling station with purified water.  Additionally, please bring a yoga mat and a large towel to cover the mat.  We do offer rental mats and sell towels at the studio. You may also want to bring a hand towel to wipe away sweat and a change of clothes for after class.

Question: Do I need to bring my own hot yoga mat?

Answer: While we have some rental mats, we encourage students to use their own mat for hygiene reasons. If you don't have one, mats are available for rent or purchase at the studio.

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The Benefits of Hot Yoga For Beginners


The History and Origins of Hot Yoga