How to Prepare for Your First Hot Yoga Class

Don’t worry, you got this.

Going into your first hot yoga class may seem a little daunting, maybe even scary! If you are anything like us, you like to be prepared. Here is your guide for all things True Hot Yoga. After reading this, you will feel prepared and ready to go to your first True Hot Yoga class.

What is hot yoga?

Hot yoga is yoga in a heated environment. There really is not anything else to it!

True Hot Yoga combines the best of traditional hot yoga and classical Vinyasa yoga practiced in a heated room. The elevated temperature usually stays around 102°F with 50-60% humidity. The heat paired with the humidity helps warm up the muscles, increase flexibility, promote detoxification through sweating, and assist in mindfulness. The heat is an added challenge, improving circulation and pushing you (but not too hard) to be your favorite and most determined self.

Due to the humidity, this is slightly different from just pulling out your mat in the Arizona heat. While that may be an excellent workout and way to practice yoga, it is not the same controlled environment that you would experience at True Hot Yoga.

After conducting research that you can read about in one of our prior blogs, there are a few added benefits to hot yoga in comparison to its unheated counterpart.

Alright, enough about us! Here is how to best prepare for your first True Hot Yoga class.

Plan Your Outfit

Because True Hot Yoga is both hot and humid, it is crucial to feel as comfortable as possible during class. For some, this might look like wearing breathable, long, yoga pants so you are not slipping and sliding while you are in Eagle pose. For others, this looks like shorts and a sports bra. Consider factors such as fabric type and quantity of clothing while exercising in a hot and humid room.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drink plenty of water before, during, and after class. This includes plain water and electrolytes. You are going to be sweating, a lot. It is incredibly important to be fueling your body to maximize the benefits of hot yoga and diminish any negative feelings like nausea, dizziness, and other symptoms that can come with dehydration.

Avoid Perfumes and Lotions

Perfumes and lotions can be distracting or even cause allergic reactions as we are in a tight-knit class. While we do not recommend using scented perfumes and lotions, that does not mean that we suggest not remaining hygienic. This looks like showering before and after class, cleaning your mat after class, and wearing deodorant to class.

Eat a Balanced Meal

We recommend eating something before and after class. Our students typically have a light snack before and after, opting for fruit, nuts, or protein.

Arrive Early

Arrive to class at least 15 minutes early. This will give you a chance to choose your spot in the room and get settled in. You will also need to complete a waiver before class so it is always a good idea to show up early for your first.

Prepare Yourself Mentally

Hot yoga may sound like a nice, relaxing, environment and while it does promote mind, body and spirit connection, it is a workout. You will burn calories and feel like you are exercising. We encourage you to take breaks and make sure that you feel like your expectations are realistic before your first class.

Book Your Class Today!

Practicing hot yoga daily may not be the best option for everyone. Establishing a routine that works for you and your schedule is the best way to go.

We have locations in both North Scottsdale and Arrowhead Ranch, and you can book with us on our website at or on our True Hot Yoga app.

If you are interested in trying a True Hot Yoga class, we offer a 3-for $33 special for new students! Book with us at or download our app.


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